Weather warnings!
The bad weather is continuing with weather warnings for winds and rain as a result of Storm Isha. Keep an eye on the latest forecasts on the Met Office and Natural Resources Wales websites
Please be patient with our staff as they deal with a high number of calls. We may not be able to deal with all reports immediately due to the weather and the number of calls. We promise to deal with your requests as soon as we can.
If you need any urgent assistance, please contact us on 0300 111 2122. For non-urgent repairs contact us here
In an emergency phone 999.
Other useful numbers:
Elecricity 105
Welsh Water 0800 052 0130
Gas 0800 111999
Natural Resource Wales 0300 065 3000
Don’t try to tackle weather damage yourself if dangerous. Make sure garden furniture and trampolines are secured.
Thank you for being patient and please stay safe.