24 Nov 2023

North Wales domestic abuse service sees 77% increase in demand

Tomorrow (November 25th) is White Ribbon Day when people across the world wear a white ribbon to show their commitment to eliminating violence against women and girls. Gorwel, the part of Grŵp Cynefin that provides services to people experiencing domestic abuse, is marking the day by highlighting the shocking growth in demand for these services. […]

01 Nov 2023

Community grants launched for the Ruthin area

Housing association Grŵp Cynefin has launched an £18,000 fund for activities to improve communities in the Ruthin area. The grants – of up to £1000 each – are available to voluntary and community groups which are making a difference and improving their local area. It’s all part of the re-development of Grŵp Cynefin’s Llys Awelon […]

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