Grŵp Cynefin joins partners across north Wales are to provide warm, safe spaces for people this winter

Grŵp Cynefin has joined partners across north Wales to provide warm, safe spaces for people who are struggling to cope with rising energy costs this winter

The Croeso Cynnes (Warm Welcome) initiative is being led by Menter Môn, in co-operation with many organisations as part of the 2025 Movement, a group of over 600 people and organisations across north Wales that are working together to tackle avoidable health inequalities across the region.

Partners in Croeso Cynnes have committed to opening up warm, welcoming spaces in offices, libraries and other community centres where people can spend time, enjoy a hot drink and in many cases hot food. The scheme also aims to raise awareness of practical support they can access through organisations such as Warm Wales, a Community Interest Company working to tackle fuel poverty across Wales, ensuring that anyone in need of support is referred to people who can help.

Clare Budden, Chair of the 2025 Movement and Chief Executive of ClwydAlyn Housing Association, said:

“The cost of living crisis is a huge challenge for our organisations and the people we serve, with health inequalities set to widen further and communities begin to feel the very real impact of soaring energy costs, particularly in Wales which has the highest average electricity bills in the UK.

“It’s great to see so many partners joining together to open up their spaces, from libraries to community centres, to provide local people with a warm and safe space that they can visit to help if they are struggling to heat their homes. Everyone involved in 2025 has long been committed to working together to do all we can to tackle inequality and Croeso Cynnes is another example of the difference we can make by joining forces.”

Croeso Cynnes spaces are being promoted by Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig as part of the social enterprise Menter Môn. Partners involved in 2025 that are opening Croeso Cynnes locations across North Wales include Cyngor Gwynedd, Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn, Mantell Gwynedd, Cymdeithas Elusennol Ynys Môn, Medrwn Môn, Cyngor Conwy, Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, Cyngor Sir y Fflint, along with housing associations Tai Gogledd Cymru, Adra, Grŵp Cynefin, Cartrefi Conwy, Tai Sir Ddinbych and ClwydAlyn.

To find out where Croeso Cynnes spaces are available in your area click here.

For interviews on Grŵp Cynefin’s part in the Croeso Cynnes Warm Welcome initiative, please contact Mari Williams Communications and Marketing Manager, Grŵp Cynefin on or 07970 142 305.

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