Wellness Tips

The rising cost of living can be a strain. It’s important to look after yourself at all times, but especially in times of anxiety. Follow these wellness tips…

Taking care of your mental health

Difficult times can trigger poor mental health – rising bills, costs of goods and food create anxiety and worry. A period of poor mental health is a very common thing and nothing to be ashamed of. The most important thing if you are feeling stressed or worried about the mental health of a family member, friend or yourself is to seek help. No one should have to face a mental health problem alone. It’s also vital that the information you get is current and accurate.

The Mind Cymru website offers advice in English and Welsh and offers informative about where to go for help.


The Meddwl.org website is full of first hand experiences and information on what support is available, in Welsh.



Food Banks

To get help from a food bank you will need a voucher. Please request a voucher from our Welfare Team.

Find a foodbank by clicking on the link below


Slow Cooker

Want to use less energy, save money and eat well?

Slow cookers are a great way of batch cooking and cooking with cheaper ingredients. And using a slow cooker instead of an oven can save you up as much as £195.71 a year!

Take a look at page 9 of our special edition Here for You Newsletter for different costs of running cooking appliances in the home, to see if you could save money!

Are you a Grŵp Cynefin tenant and would like the chance of a free slow cooker? Complete the form below



Low cost recipes

Take a look at Grŵp Cynefin’s Youtube channel to see videos of how to cook low cost meals.

Burger, Potato Wedges & Coleslaw

Vegetable Lasagne 

Fish Dish




See these great tips on cooking and shopping…

Healthy Start Scheme

The Healthy Start Scheme provides vouchers for pregnant women and eligible families to buy milk, fruit, vegetables and pulses in local shops. Families also receive vouchers for free vitamin supplements through the scheme.

If you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant or have children under the age of four, and are eligible for the scheme, you can get free vouchers every four weeks to spend on:

• cow’s milk
• fresh, frozen or tinned fruit and vegetables
• infant formula milk
• fresh, dried, and tinned pulses

To find out more about the scheme, who is eligible and how to apply, click this link.

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